JP Shanks Piggybank

Upcoming Campaign 
8/16 - 9/5 

1. 8/16 - 9/5 
1 Gem and 3 Keys each day

2. 8/16 - 8/19 
2x Skill Up

3. 8/16 - 8/19 
Each day, you have a chance to get a random Specific Socket Book when you clear the island.

4. 8/16 - 8/19 
Twitter Poll. Whoever gets the most votes will be returning from 9/2 - 9/5 Choices include: Alvida Nico Olivia Kimono Jinbei Okama Island

5. 8/17. 8/21, 8/23, 8/30, 8/31
Choose your time Turtle Time (might be guaranteed rare encounter)

6. 8/18, 9/4 
Choose your time CC island

7. 8/22 - 8/26 
Shanks Island for EXP, can only be ran once (basically like Ray Island)

8. 8/23 - 8/28 
1/2 Stamina on certain Story Islands

Shiki will be returning on 8/12. 

Bandai mentioned that they have no plans on bringing him back after that. If you want to max Shiki, now is your chance.

Post by Genos

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